Care Team of Wichita Falls, TX


Medicare Home Health Agencies

Adding us to your patients’ service plan can help safeguard their Medicare benefits!  Private-pay home care is a perfect complement to Medicare Home Health. We can help with some of the daily tasks not covered by Medicare, and we will be your eyes and ears in the home to notify you of any changes that could impact your Medicare service. Here are some areas where Private-pay home care can help your Medicare business:

(1) Reduce Hospitalizations That Disrupt Medicare Service

  • Decrease falls and other injuries while your nurses are not visiting the home.  We can work up to 24 hours a day, depending on your patient’s needs.  We’ll be there as an added safeguard to keep your patients safe and healthy, and minimize in-home accidents.

(2) Patient Discharged at End of Episode?

Often patients who are discharged at the end of an episode still need a little help at home.

  • End of episode?  We offer the basics of everyday living, to help your patients maintain the level of wellness they have acquired after leaving your services.  These services include laundry/housekeeping, meal preparation, companionship, personal hygiene and more.
  • End of therapy? We can continue to work with the patient to encourage daily activity, so that the results of the therapy episode are not wasted.  We can assist with strengthening exercises, go with them on daily walks, and promote other active habits on a weekly schedule.
  • Should Medicare needs arise again?  We appreciate your referrals! And we will work equally as hard to reciprocate the favor—should the patient ever need more Medicare services,  our nurse staff will work with yours to ensure that the patient returns to your agency and is not shuffled to another Medicare provider.

(3) There Are Two Sides to Homebound Status…

Since your patients are homebound, they may need other in-home services that are not covered by Medicare:

  • Errands, activities, shopping, pet sitting, meal preparation, companionship, housekeeping, etc.
  • CareTeam will never overstep our boundaries as a supplemental care provider to your Medicare services, and will work with your nursing staff to ensure we are complementing, not competing with, the overall needs of the patient
  • When you get a referral that turns out to be non-homebound, he or she might still need some help at home:
  • CareTeam can provide both medical and non-medical home services to patients regardless of homebound status
  • We will work to keep you as the first-choice agency should Medicare services ever be needed in the future.

(4) YES Your Patients Can Afford Our Services!

  • As a licensed home care provider, our services are often covered by a patient’s health or long-term care insurance, VA benefits, and other payor sources.  We will provide the necessary documentation for the client to file with their benefit provider.
  • Often a family member will be paying the out-of-pocket cost for private services.  And for the simple peace of mind that their love one is being cared for, our fees are quite affordable.
  • We work with the client to create a schedule that balances their needs with their budget. With our wide range of services and schedule hours, we can provide just the necessary care for a very affordable rate.
  • Note:  We are not a Medicaid agency, and do not accept Medicaid reimbursement.

(5)  We Would Love To Be Your Private-pay Preferred Provider!

We offer 4 to 24 hour care, any time of day or week.  For those clients needing just a little assistance, we offer visits ranging from 1 to 3 hours.

To refer a patient to CareTeam for services, please call our office anytime, or submit the information via our secure web portal.  Just click the “Request More Info” link to the right.  A CareTeam professional can create a personalized plan tailored to meet the patient’s needs and fit within their budget.